A smiling man sits at a table in his home. A nicotine patch with a smiley face is affixed to his arm. A child’s hand holding a red crayon is visible just inside the frame of the image.
[Headline / Layout Caption in a child's handwriting] “Many thanks Daddy!”
[Subhead] The family begins smiling when you quit smoking. Call now to request free nicotine patches!
[Copy] Your health brings joy to the family. Don’t let cigarettes poison you! Call the Asian Smokers' Quitline today to ask about free nicotine patches, which have been requested already by over 10,000 people. We will send the patches directly to your home. You can also receive free services that are proven to double smokers’ chances of successfully quitting. Services include one-on-one advising over the phone and self-help quitting materials. Keep your family smiling. Call us today and quit for good!
[Call to Action] Asian Smokers' Quitline 1-800-838-8917 / 1-800-556-5564 / 1-800-778-8440 www.asiansmokersquitline.org